ACS invites you to advertise in our 2023-2024 Season digital concert programs. We will share your advertising message with a captive audience. Let our patrons see what you have to offer!
Advertisements are in full color. They can be purchased per concert, or purchase a Season Subscription and get one concert free! Programs will be available digitally to all concert patrons to view during each concert, and will be posted on our website.
A season subscription includes advertising in our four main events throughout the 2023-2024 Season, in our October 21, December 9, April 20, and May 11 concerts.
To place your order, please send an email
with your ad preferences and artwork to
with the subject: Program Ads.
Payment can be made via check (Alexandria Choral Society, PO Box 406, Alexandria, VA 22313) or PayPal.
October 21, 2023
December 9, 2023
Winter Cathedrals
April 20, 2024
To the Sea
May 11, 2024
Just As I Am
Season Subscription (all 4 above - 1 concert free!)
1/2 PAGE
Artwork: Camera-ready artwork should be at least 100% of reproduction size. Proportions for digital program are 5.25"w x 5.625"h for half-page and 5.25"w x 11.25"h for full page. Files should be *.jpg, *.png, or *.pdf.
Submission deadline: 10 business days before the concert.
Ad requests are fulfilled on a first come, first served basis.